Nature Aquariums


Nature Aquariums by ADA

Nature Aquariums are a marriage of design and science.

This Japanese art form, based on thriving planted tanks, is like underwater bonsai, and practiced by enthusiasts all over the world. Each aquarium is designed to reflect the beauty of nature. The technology ensures a healthy ecosystem for plants and fish.

The science is easy to understand, and the hobby is simple to practice. At Miyabi Aqua Design, we can help set up your tank, and show you how to follow an easy maintenance schedule.

Nature Aquariums Founder Takashi Amano

Takashi Amano is a Japanese landscape photographer and designer, Since 1975, Takashi Amano has photographed tropical rainforests in the Amazon, Borneo and West Africa, and pristine forests in Japan. His work capturing untouched nature led him to develop the “Nature Aquarium” concept, and he founded ADA (Aqua Design Amano), a line of aquarium products specific to this art form. Amano still spearheads new technology development and leads design workshops at the ADA headquarters in Japan. His aesthetic is admired and practiced the world over.



ADA (Aqua Design Amano)

The ADA line of tanks and equipment is designed to showcase your aquascape. No unsightly black trim, no bulky equipment. Nothing inhibits your view. And the stands, lighting systems and other equipment are elegant pieces of sculpture themselves…clean, sleek and modern.


Aquascaping is the term used to describe the artistic arrangement of plants, rocks, wood and other materials to create thriving underwater layouts. When you landscape a garden, you choose a visually appealing design and create the right conditions for flora to flourish. Aquascaping is the same thing – but underwater.

Design Principles

The Nature Aquarium layout style is distinctive. The idea is to recreate a scene from nature, to capture “grand nature in a glass.” The arrangements of plants and hardscape look unforced, natural, organic. It takes time and knowledge to master the art form, but Miyabi Aqua Design can help you.



ADA Nature Aquariums function as pieces of art. They enhance any space, from small desktops to open galleries.

Working with a Nature Aquarium is a combination of caretaking and artistry. We love how satisfying and peaceful it is to both create a piece of beauty and engage with nature’s small creatures.

Multiple studies highlight the health benefits of keeping aquariums. The mere presence of a fish tank filled with life has positive effects on a range of mental and physical ailments, including:

  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Hypertension
  • Autism

Popular Themes – See the magic you can create in your Nature Aquarium

Sample Setups – A guide to the ADA products needed for various Nature Aquarium setups



More information and step-by-step construction of Amano’s personal Nature Aquarium can be seen in the Aquatic Gazette.


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