Electric Blue Balloon Rams Available Now at Aquariums West

If you are looking for a beautiful center piece in your Nature Aquariums, I highly recommend the Electric Blue Balloon Rams.  The bright metallic blue will pop out in the lush green of the Nature Aquariums.  They are perfect for Nature Aquariums with low pH and very soft water.  They are not aggressive and can be placed with other non aggressive fish as well.  One must be careful with shrimps because these fish will grow to a size roughly 7cm in size and can start eating small shrimps for their diet.    They are now available at the authorized ADA retailer – Aquariums West in down town Vancouver!

[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPSepW9stiU&feature=youtu.be” autoplay=”1″ hd=”1″ loop=”1″ rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″ showinfo=”0″]

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